- STEM competitions
- Career and technical skills development
- Leadership opportunities
- Local, regional, state, and national conferences
- Achievement Program
- Networking with members and industry professionals
- Scholarships and awards
- FUN!
I am interested in competitions for...
High School
Middle School
Transportation Modeling
Participants research, design, and produce a scale model of a vehicle that complies with the annual design problem. A display for the model and a documentation portfolio – containing elements such as a description of the vehicle, photographs and commentary detailing the vehicle production, and technical illustrations – are required. Semifinalists participate in an interview.
Video Game Design
Participants design, build, and launch an E-rated online video game – with accompanying required documentation - that addresses the annual theme. Semifinalists participate in an interview to demonstrate the knowledge and expertise they gained during the development of the game.
Virtual Reality Simulation (VR)
Participants use video and 3D computer graphics tools and design processes to create a two-to-three-minute VR visualization (accompanied by supporting documentation) that addresses the annual theme. Semifinalists deliver a presentation about their visualization and participate in an interview.
Participants design, build, and launch a website that addresses the annual challenge. Semifinalists participate in an interview to demonstrate the knowledge and expertise gained during the development of the website.
Career Prep
Based on the annual theme, participants conduct research on a technology-related career, prepare a letter of introduction to a potential employer, and develop a job-specific resume. Semifinalists participate in a mock job interview.
Chapter Team
Participants take a parliamentary procedure test to qualify for the semifinal round of competition. Semifinalists conduct an opening ceremony, items of business, parliamentary actions, and a closing ceremony.
Community Service Video
Participants create a video that depicts the local TSA chapter’s
involvement in a community service project. Semifinalists deliver a presentation on the project and participate in an interview.
involvement in a community service project. Semifinalists deliver a presentation on the project and participate in an interview.
Leadership Strategies
Participants prepare for and deliver a presentation about a specific challenge that officers of a TSA chapter might encounter. Semifinalists follow the same competition procedure but must respond to a different chapter challenge.
Tech Bowl
Participants demonstrate their knowledge of TSA and concepts addressed in technology content standards by completing an objective test. Semifinalists participate in a head-to-head, team competition.

Affiliated TSA members have access to resources to help enrich their TSA experience. Some highlights include:
- Forward to Fifty (F2F)
- Awards and Scholarships
- Leadership Program
- National Service Project
- TSA Achievement Program, Pathways to Excellence