Lane Lamping
Basehor-Linwood High School
Basehor, Kansas
When I entered my middle school TSA advisor's classroom for the first time, I had no idea that I had just made the best decision of my life. From exploring through TSA competitive events my interests in robotics and data analytics to making the most incredible friendships, being involved in TSA has become the experience that has helped me discover my passions and grow as a leader.
During my time in TSA, I have strengthened my technical skills and personal confidence, and I have applied what I have learned to my outside endeavors. These endeavors include serving as a student ambassador, cross-country team captain, actor in school theater, and designer/programmer of a VEX robotics team.
My TSA journey has had an enormous impact on my life and development as a person, and I attribute much of this impact to the TSA community of bright and caring individuals I have encountered. My thanks to each and every TSA member for supporting and allowing me to serve in the position of national TSA president.

Yug Patel
Ravenwood High School
Franklin, Tennessee
I joined TSA in the eighth grade. Even though it was a virtual school year, the experience of competing and collaborating with my peers in regional, state, and national-level competitions fostered a special place for TSA in my heart. In my freshman year of high school, I worked to start a TSA chapter so that I could stay involved in the organization and compete. This effort pushed me into the world of leadership at the state level, in which I have served as the Tennessee TSA Sergeant-at-Arms, and subsequently the Tennessee TSA State President. Serving in these positions created an internal passion in me for TSA and its members – and inspired me to run for national office.
My favorite competitive events are Debating Technological Issues, Extemporaneous Speech, and Biotechnology Design. Outside of TSA, I serve in a leadership position in the Tennessee Center for Civic Engagement Conferences, the Science National Honors Society, and the Biology Olympiad chapter. In my free time, I enjoy playing sports, trying new food, and thrifting with my friends.
TSA has pushed me to be a better, more well-rounded person, especially when it comes to connecting with people, public speaking, and becoming a dynamic leader. I hope to define my TSA national officer term with a long-lasting impact on the organization.

Odelia Kneiser
Oak Ridge High School
Oak Ridge, Tennessee
I joined TSA in the sixth grade, two years after my older brother had joined the organization and made TSA sound like the perfect place for me. His description was right; after my first chapter meeting, I knew TSA would soon become my home. Of all the events I have competed in during my six-year TSA journey, Geospatial Technology has by far been my favorite – leading me to find my passion in environmental science and data analysis.
In my freshman year of high school, I served as vice president of my TSA chapter. In my sophomore year, I was elected to serve as Tennessee TSA Vice President; serving in this state-level position allowed me to embrace public speaking and leadership roles and meet my closest friends.
Outside of TSA, you can find me running cross country and track as my school’s varsity captain, hiking with the LITTERally Green Project (an organization I founded for teenage students to conserve Earth’s environment), digging through clothes at my favorite thrift store, or drinking a latte at my local coffee shop!

Lizzie Grounds
Broken Arrow High School
Broken Arrow, Oklahoma
I joined TSA in the eighth grade with little prior knowledge of anything STEM-related. Since my first TSA state conference in 2022, my passion for STEM and leadership has grown significantly. Competing in events such as Extemporaneous Speaking, Digital Video Production, and Children’s Stories (which are some of my favorites) has furthered my passion.
TSA has been instrumental in nurturing my desire to be service-oriented, and I am grateful for the leadership opportunity TSA offers. Serving as chapter president for three years has been extremely rewarding, as it has given me a chance to give back to my chapter. Additionally, as the 2023-2024 Oklahoma State Treasurer and Vice President-elect, I gained valuable insights into leading effectively.
Outside of TSA, I am very engaged in my school and community. I hold leadership roles and participate in Mock Trial, Speech and Debate, National Honor Society, and Student Council activities. I also serve as a representative in my city’s Youth City Council Program. In my free time, I read, serve my community, spend time with friends, and care for my pet lizard.
TSA has taught me invaluable lessons in leadership, passion, networking, and essential STEM skills. I look forward to using the lessons learned to serve you in the coming year.

Margo Wyckoff
State College Area High School
State College, Pennsylvania
I joined TSA in the sixth grade. Through my involvement in the organization, I have built a passion for career and technical education and STEM; I have enjoyed competing in events such as Fashion Design and Technology, Future Technology and Engineering Teacher, and Biotechnology Design. After six wonderful years in TSA - four as a chapter officer and two as a state officer - I am so honored to spend my final year serving as your national TSA reporter.
Outside of TSA, I enjoy exploring art history and organizing charity events as a leader of my school's ceramics club. I spend most football weekends working at the local university’s bookstore. In my community, I volunteer at a non-profit dedicated to inspiring creativity through community art. During my free time, I enjoy collecting vinyl records and skiing in the mountains of Pennsylvania.
Thank you, TSA members. The friendships, skills, and memories I have acquired will last a lifetime. My TSA journey has changed my life beyond words, and now it is my turn to help your journey in TSA do the same for you.

Sen Yakandawala
Rock Canyon High School
Littleton, Colorado
I began my TSA journey in sixth grade. With little to no knowledge of TSA, I dove in headfirst and quickly understood the impact it could have on my life. Through competing in events like Chapter Team and Architectural Design, I have been able to discover my interest in STEM fields, as well as hone my leadership skills. TSA has provided me with opportunities to work as part of a team and continue to grow as a person, leader, and team member.
Outside of TSA, I am the founder of a non-profit dedicated to equitable access to technology. In school, I participate in many clubs. I like being outdoors - whether hiking, playing beach volleyball, or just experiencing nature. More than anything else, I enjoy spending time with family and friends.
TSA has helped me become the person I am today. I credit TSA with helping me transform from a shy and awkward sixth grader to a confident leader who experiences continued personal growth. I am very grateful for all that TSA has done for me, and I am thrilled and honored to serve as your national TSA sergeant-at-arms.