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Together, we can help prepare the next generation of STEM leaders. Learn about the various opportunities to get involved with TSA. 
A large group of student members gathering at the National TSA Conference.


If you were a TSA member in middle school and/or high school for any length of time, you now have the opportunity to: 

  • stay connected to TSA 
  • network with fellow alumni/alumnae 
  • make a difference in TSA at the local, state, or national level 
  • develop professionally and personally 

Learn about former TSA members.


Whether a student is just starting out as a Technology Student Association (TSA) member or has been a member for a number of years, parents and volunteers can have a significant impact on a student’s experience by being interested, enthusiastic, and involved. 

A key role you can take on as a TSA parent or volunteer is to encourage and support students as they engage in TSA activities. This could involve: 

  • supporting a TSA parent booster group and fundraising initiatives 
  • volunteering to drive to a local or regional competition 
  • volunteering as a judge at a local, state, or national TSA conference 
  • being “on call” for the TSA chapter advisor when the advisor needs help 


TSA’s partners include corporations, foundations, and associations seeking to support the next generation of STEM leaders. Learn more.  


TSA Future Fund

The TSA Future Fund supports the initiatives of TSA. Donations are welcome to help further our mission of enhancing personal development, leadership, and career opportunities in STEM for student members. Learn More.

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