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TSA provides middle and high school students opportunities for engagement in STEM competitions and activities, teamwork, leadership, networking, and community service.


  • STEM competitions
  • Career and technical skills development
  • Leadership opportunities 
  • Local, regional, state, and national conferences 
  • Achievement Program
  • Networking with members and industry professionals 
  • Scholarships and awards
  • FUN!


I am interested in competitions for...
High School
Middle School

Dragster Design

Participants design, draw, and construct a CO2-powered dragster that adheres to specifications, design and documentation requirements, and the annual theme. Semifinalists compete in a double-elimination race and participate in an interview.

Drone Challenge (UAV)

Participants design, build, assemble, document, and test fly an open-source Unmanned Arial Vehicle (UAV) according to the stated annual theme/problem specifications. The required documentation portfolio must include elements such as a photographic log, wiring schematics, and a description of the programming software used. Semifinalists participate in an interview.

Flight Endurance

Participants design, build, fly, and adjust (trim) a rubber-band powered model aircraft to make long endurance flights inside a contained airspace. Documentation (including elements such as attributes of the model design, drawings, and an analysis of the trim modifications), an inspection of the model and the required model flight box, and official times for two flights are aspects of the evaluation

Manufacturing Prototype

Participants design, fabricate, and use Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) to create a product that addresses the annual theme. A documentation portfolio and the completed product prototype are submitted for evaluation. Semifinalists give a product “sales pitch” and demonstration.


Participants design, build, document, and test a robot assembled using open-sourced parts according to stated specifications and to meet the challenge of the yearly theme/problem. 

Senior Solar Sprint

The Senior Solar Sprint (SSS) competition is managed by TSA. Students apply scientific understanding, creativity, experimentation, and teamwork to design, build, and race a model solar vehicle that carries a payload; documentation of the process is required. Students must register via an Army Educational Outreach Program (AEOP) portal to participate and begin the SSS journey.

Off the Grid

Based on the annual theme, participants conduct research on a sustainable architectural design for a home in a country not their own. Participants produce a portfolio and create a display and a model. Semifinalists present their design and participate in an interview.

Prepared Speech

Participants deliver a timed speech that relates to the theme of the current national TSA conference. Semifinalists and finalists are determined using the same competition procedure.

Problem Solving

Participants use problem-solving skills to design and build a solution to an onsite challenge. Solutions are evaluated using measures appropriate to the challenge, such as elapsed time, horizontal or vertical distance, and/or strength.

Promotional Marketing

Participants create and submit a marketing portfolio and required elements that address the annual theme/problem. Semifinalists complete a layout and design assignment for evaluation.

STEM Animation

Participants design and create a STEM animation video and documentation portfolio to address the annual theme/problem. Semifinalists present their animation and explain the elements of their portfolio/entry.

Structural Engineering

Participants apply the principles of structural engineering to design and construct a structure that complies with the annual challenge. An assessment of the required documentation and the destructive testing of the structure (to determine its design efficiency) determine both semifinalists and finalists.

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Affiliated TSA members have access to resources to help enrich their TSA experience. Some highlights include: 



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