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TSA provides middle and high school students opportunities for engagement in STEM competitions and activities, teamwork, leadership, networking, and community service.


  • STEM competitions
  • Career and technical skills development
  • Leadership opportunities 
  • Local, regional, state, and national conferences 
  • Achievement Program
  • Networking with members and industry professionals 
  • Scholarships and awards
  • FUN!


I am interested in competitions for...
High School
Middle School

Biotechnology Design

Participants select a contemporary biotechnology problem that addresses the annual theme and demonstrates understanding of the topic through documented research, the development of a solution, a display (including an optional model or prototype), and an effective multimedia presentation. Semifinalists deliver a presentation and participate in an interview.

Forensic Science

Participants take a test of basic forensic science to qualify for the semifinal round of competition. Semifinalists examine a mock crime scene and demonstrate their knowledge of forensic science through crime scene analysis, with the findings synthesized in a written report/analysis.

System Control Technology

Participants develop a solution to a problem (typically one from an industrial setting) presented onsite at the conference. They analyze the problem, build a computer-controlled mechanical model, program the model, demonstrate the programming and mechanical features of the model-solution in an interview, and provide instructions for evaluators to operate the model.

Community Service Video

Participants create a video that depicts the local TSA chapter’s
involvement in a community service project. Semifinalists deliver a presentation on the project and participate in an interview.

Computer Aided Design (CAD) Foundations

Participants demonstrate their understanding of CAD fundamentals by creating a two-dimensional (2D) graphic representation of an engineering part or object and answering questions from evaluators about their entry.

Construction Challenge

Participants submit a scale model, display, and documentation portfolio for a design that fulfills a community need related to construction. Semifinalists deliver a presentation about their entry and participate in an interview.


Participants take a test that assesses knowledge of cybersecurity vocabulary and the skills needed to execute common cybersecurity tasks. Using digital presentation software, semifinalists deliver a presentation that addresses the annual theme/problem.

Data Science and Analytics

Participants conduct research on the annual topic, collect data, use analytics to assess the data and make predictions, and document their work in a portfolio and a display. To address a challenge presented onsite at the conference, semifinalists review specific data sets, provide insights, make predictions, and present their findings for evaluation.

Digital Photography

Participants produce and submit a digital photographic portfolio that relates to the annual theme. Semifinalists participate in an onsite photographic challenge and a presentation/interview.

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