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TSA competitions provide an opportunity for students to take learning beyond the classroom and explore topics of career interest. TSA provides rules and guidelines, that can be integrated into your STEM curriculum, for more than 75 middle school and high school competitions.  
Four boys working on a wood-construction project together.

High School

TSA offers 40 high school competitions. The eligibility chart provides the eligibility requirements for each competition and is applicable to the national TSA conference. (State delegations may choose to alter their events for local conferences. Click on your state to preview the requirements pertaining to your regional and/or state conferences.)

Flight Endurance

Participants design, build, fly, and adjust (trim) a rubber-band powered model aircraft to make long endurance flights inside a contained airspace. Documentation (including elements such as attributes of the model design, drawings, and an analysis of the trim modifications), an inspection of the model and the required model flight box, and official times for two flights are aspects of the evaluation

Forensic Science

Participants take a test of basic forensic science to qualify for the semifinal round of competition. Semifinalists examine a mock crime scene and demonstrate their knowledge of forensic science through crime scene analysis, with the findings synthesized in a written report/analysis.

Future Technology Teacher

Participants research a developing technology, prepare a video showing an application of the technology in the classroom, and create a lesson plan/activity that features the application and connects to the Standards for Technological and Engineering Literacy (STEL), as well as STEM initiatives and integration. Semifinalists demonstrate the lesson plan and answer questions about their presentation.

Geospatial Technology

To address the issue presented in an annual theme, participants interpret geospatial data and develop a digital portfolio containing maps, data, and pertinent documentation. Semifinalists defend their projections and visual infographic during a presentation/interview.

Manufacturing Prototype

Participants design, fabricate, and use Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) to create a product that addresses the annual theme. A documentation portfolio and the completed product prototype are submitted for evaluation. Semifinalists give a product “sales pitch” and demonstration.

Music Production

Participants produce an original musical piece designed to be played during the closing session of the national TSA conference. The quality of the musical piece and required documentation (including elements such as a plan of work, self-evaluation, and a list of hardware, software, and instruments used) determines advancement to the semifinal level of competition, during which semifinalist participants are interviewed.

Middle School

TSA offers 36 middle school competitions. The eligibility chart provides the eligibility requirements for each competition and is applicable to the national TSA conference. (State delegations may choose to alter their events for local conferences. Click on your state to preview the requirements pertaining to your regional and/or state conferences.)

Career Prep

Based on the annual theme, participants conduct research on a technology-related career, prepare a letter of introduction to a potential employer, and develop a job-specific resume. Semifinalists participate in a mock job interview.

Chapter Team

Participants take a parliamentary procedure test to qualify for the semifinal round of competition. Semifinalists conduct an opening ceremony, items of business, parliamentary actions, and a closing ceremony.

Community Service Video

Participants create a video that depicts the local TSA chapter’s
involvement in a community service project. Semifinalists deliver a presentation on the project and participate in an interview.

Leadership Strategies

Participants prepare for and deliver a presentation about a specific challenge that officers of a TSA chapter might encounter. Semifinalists follow the same competition procedure but must respond to a different chapter challenge.

Tech Bowl

Participants demonstrate their knowledge of TSA and concepts addressed in technology content standards by completing an objective test. Semifinalists participate in a head-to-head, team competition.

National TSA Conference Competition Information

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