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Participants in the events below require state advisor approval. One entry per team/individual is permitted.



Middle School


Biotechnologyfive (5) teams per state
Challenging Technology Issuesthree (3) teams of two (2) individuals per state
Children’s Storiesthree (3) teams per state may participate; individual entries are permitted
Computer-Aided Design (CAD) Foundationstwo (2) individuals per state
Data Science and Analyticsthree (3) teams of two to three (2-3) individuals per state
Digital Photography*three (3) individuals per state
Essays on Technologythree (3) individuals per state
Leadership Strategiesthree (3) teams of three (3) individuals per state
Medical Technologythree (3) teams of at least two (2) individuals per state
Off the Gridthree (3) teams per state; individual entries are permitted
Prepared Speechthree (3) individuals per state
Stem Animation*three (3) teams per state
System Control Technologyone (1) team of three (3) individuals per state


*Events with pre-submission


High School


Animatronicsthree (3) teams of two to three (2-3) team members per state
Audio Podcasting*three (3) teams per state; individual entries are permitted
Children’s Storiesthree (3) teams or three (3) individuals per state
Codingone (1) team of two (2) individuals per state
Computer-Aided Design (CAD), Architecturetwo (2) individuals per state
Computer-Aided Design (CAD), Engineeringtwo (2) individuals per state
Data Science and Analytics*three (3) teams of two (2) individuals per state
Debating Technological Issuesthree (3) teams of two (2) individuals per state
Digital Video Production*three (3) teams or three (3) individuals per state
Drone Challenge (UAV)teams of two (2) to six (6) members. Three (3) teams per state
Engineering Designthree (3) teams of three (3) or more individuals per state
Essays on Technologythree (3) individuals per state
Extemporaneous Speechthree (3) individuals per state
Fashion Design and Technologyfive (5) teams of two to four (2-4) individuals per state
Music Production*three (3) teams per state; individual entries are permitted
Prepared Presentationthree (3) individuals per state
Promotional Designthree (3) individuals per state
Roboticsteams of two (2) to six (6) members; three (3) teams per state
System Control Technologytwo (2) teams of three (3) individuals per state
Video Game Design*five (5) teams per state


*Events with pre-submission


If there is no State Advisor within your state, and a chapter member is interested in participating in TSA State Advisor approval events, please email TSA Operations Manager, Maria Raza, at between March 15th and May 14th for assistance.

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