TSA Future Fund

The purpose of the TSA Future Fund is to support the long-term interests and growth of TSA. TSA welcomes donations to help further its mission to enhance personal development, leadership, and career opportunities in STEM for its student members.
Donations to the Future Fund may be for designated purposes, such as new initiatives, scholarships, assistance to worthy chapters or state delegations, and other programs.
Future Fund donations will be accepted via the major credit cards and maintained in an investment account separate from other TSA accounts. Donations exceeding $25,000, or those made in securities or other assets, will be accepted subject to TSA board approval. Donations derived from illicit or illegal activities, donations that might create an appearance of impropriety or actual impropriety, or donations that might result in undue influence over the affairs of TSA will not be accepted.
Annual giving level tiers for the TSA Future Fund:
- Diamond - $50,000 plus
- Platinum - $10,000 up to $49,999
- Gold - $5,000 up to $9,999
- Silver - $1,000 up to $4,999
- Bronze - donations under $1,000
Any donor who makes a contribution of $100 or more may specify a use-of-funds category. Diamond level donors may request that their gift be specifically designated, such as for a named scholarship. Pledges of up to five years will be counted towards giving level tiers.
Donations can be made using the portal link below; a receipt for the donation will be generated automatically. When donating via the portal, individuals may choose a one-time or reoccurring donation. For questions or more information about donations to the Future Fund, contact national TSA.
Future Fund donor names - for the Silver level through the Diamond level - will appear on the TSA website in recognition of their generosity; website recognition of donors for these levels will be updated annually on or about June 1st.