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When a decision is made by a member to compete in an event, it is imperative that the member thoroughly read and understand the rules, regulations, procedures, and evaluation criteria for the chosen event(s). National TSA is responsible for addressing mistakes or discrepancies in the competitive event guides and accomplishes this through competition updates on the TSA website. National TSA is not responsible for interpreting, advising, or suggesting ways that a member might develop a viable response or solution to a competitive event challenge. 

Middle School Themes and Problems

  • Off the Grid
  • Prepared Speech
  • Promotional Marketing
  • STEM Animation
  • Structural Engineering
  • Vlogging
  • Website Design

Off the Grid

Design a home for a family of four (4) in a country (of your choice)  in which a boreal forest (taiga) biome is found. The house must be designed for an area that does not have access to a power grid. In addition, the house must include a renewable energy source, one (1) agricultural system, and must solve one (1) problem that is specific to the area.

Prepared Speech

2025 National Conference Theme: Tune In To Technology

Promotional Marketing

Charitable and service organizations are the backbone of our communities.  A group called “Students Helping Grandparents” has contacted your chapter advisor about your chapter hosting an event at a public library, during which chapter members will lead focus group discussions with senior citizens.  The topic for the focus groups will be helping senior citizens understand and avoid online cybercrime.  The event is Tuesday May 27, 2025, from 4:00 PM – 6:00 PM. 

Printable: Design a tri-fold brochure. 
Wearable: Design a hat that can be given to participants.
Digital Signage: Create an auto-advancing slide presentation that is no longer than two (2)  minutes in length.

STEM Animation

Robotics in automobile manufacturing

Structural Engineering


Topic: Setting and achieving goals; the minimum number of audio pieces is four (4).

Website Design

Topic: Website for food preparation recipes

Challenge – Develop an original website with simple recipes for young cooks (MS and HS age).  It should have an interactive element that will ask a few questions to direct the user to the desired ingredients and recipe.   

High School Themes and Problems

  • Animatronics
  • Architectural Design
  • Audio Podcasting
  • Biotechnology Design
  • Children’s Stories
  • Coding
  • Data Science and Analytics
  • Debating Technological Issues


Design Problem: Following the specified requirements, create an animatronic exhibit for a public library to excite young readers.

Architectural Design

Audio Podcasting

Preparing to compete in a TSA event and/or preparing for your first TSA conference

Biotechnology Design

Topic: Tissue Engineering. Tissue Engineering is a biomedical engineering discipline that uses a combination of cells, engineering, materials methods, and suitable biochemical and physicochemical factors to restore, maintain, improve, or replace different types of biological tissues.

Children’s Stories

Create a “touch and feel” or interactive storybook that introduces TSA and its benefits to young readers in an engaging manner.


The following programming languages may be used to complete the assigned problems: 

  • C version C17
  • C++ version C++20
  • C# version 8
  • Java version 21.0
  • Javascript/Node version 18.19
  • Python version 3.9
  • Ruby version 3.2
  • Rust version 1.75
  • Swift version 5.10

Data Science and Analytics

Identify and use a "Real Estate," "Housing," and/or "Community" related open-source data set for your analyses and research. In the scientific poster, cite the source of the data, including the URL/domain and file format.

Debating Technological Issues

Topic: Biotechnology

  • Subtopic 1: Biometric identification poses a security threat within the digital world.
  • Subtopic 2: Gene-editing biotechnologies such as the CRISPR-Cas9 system, set a dangerous precedent for science applications in healthcare.
  • Subtopic 3: Brain interface technologies, such as Elon Musk’s Neuralink, provide a unique and beneficial solution to mental health issues.
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