TSA 2024-2025 "WELCOME KIT"
As you prepare your classroom and curriculum for the year ahead, we hope this digital version of the 2024-2025 Welcome Kit will help you recruit and engage members.
- Affiliation instructions
- 2 new TSA promotional videos
- Three posters
- Mini poster (front and back) with a customizable “Joining is Easy” section for bulletin boards around your school
- 3 Flyers to help tell the TSA story:
- TSA logo Stickers that can be purchased through the TSA store: tsastore.mybrightsites.com/products/decal
- Customizable morning announcements
Please show us how you use these resources in your school and community by posting a picture on social media with the hashtag #TSAalldayeveryday.
Be sure to contact us if you have any questions: general@tsaweb.org