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Conference Registration

Registration Information

Who Must Register
Anyone who attends the 2025 National TSA Conference must register, including parents, children, and any other guests. Throughout the conference, volunteer hosts check the name badges of all attendees at the entrance to the general sessions, the competitive events, and other activities. There will be no admittance to any event, including the awards ceremony on July 1st , without a name badge. 

Chapter advisors (middle and high school) must pre-register their chapter attendees for the conference. Complimentary registration is granted only to national TSA officers, honorary life members, national TSA staff, selected invited guests (keynote speaker, government officials, etc.) and approved national TSA Competition Regulations Committee (CRC) individuals.  

No onsite registration for competitive event participation is available.  

*Content of this document is subject to change. 

Refund Policy
National TSA conference registration refunds are granted only to those who provide a written refund request (emailed to received by National TSA on or before May 14, 2025. The fee for cancellation is 50% of registration. All refund payments will be mailed after the conference and the 50% cancellation fee is deducted accordingly. 

Registration for TSA chapters (advisors, parent advisors, students members) attending the 2025 national TSA conference

Registration for all other attendees who are not registering with a TSA chapter

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