Conference Attendance Policy
The TSA, Inc. Board of Directors requires a minimum of one adult advisor or chaperone for no more than ten student members. State advisors or chapter advisors may name an adult chaperone to serve the state delegation and/or chapter in this capacity. All adult advisors and/or chaperones must register for the conference, pay the registration fee, and be in attendance for the duration of the conference. There are no restrictions on the number of adult advisors and chaperones who may attend. All teachers, parents, supervisors, and teacher-educators are eligible to serve in this capacity.
All adults, including parents, must register for the conference. No student member may attend, compete, or participate without physical presence of an adult chaperone throughout the duration of the conference.
In order to attend and/or compete at the National TSA Conference, all student members, including those who are 18 years of age (as well as graduates of this school year) are required to attend the conference with an advisor, parent, or adult chaperone.
A student member must meet the criteria listed below to be eligible to attend the national conference.
- Be a current member in good standing with TSA. Membership must be on record with the national office.
- Have the approval of the TSA chapter and/or state advisor and the school administration.
- Have the written approval of a parent or guardian, via the signed Parent Authorization Form.
- Be in attendance throughout the duration of the national conference.