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Competition Components

  • Design/Build Challenge
  • Mathematical Modeling
  • Multiple Choice Exam
  • Presentation

Design/Build Challenge

Competition Description: Using designated materials, middle school and high school teams complete a hands-on design challenge related to the annual competition theme. Each team will be instructed to use the required simple materials provided by TSA on competition day.

Competition Materials: The designated materials will be provided on-site. Students are not permitted to use any other materials or tools.

Mathematical Modeling

Competition Description: Teams must develop a mathematical model (a process) to determine a solution based on given data. Teams will have 60 minutes to develop this model and verify that it will work. 

Competition Materials: Each team member may use an approved four-function, scientific or graphing calculator (refer to the Coach Guide for acceptable calculators). The exam will be written. No cell phones or laptops may be used during the exam.

Multiple Choice Exam

Competition Description: High school teams have 60 minutes to solve 25 multiple choice questions focused on engineering scenarios related to the annual competition theme. Middle school teams have 60 minutes to solve 20 multiple choice questions.

Competition Materials: Each team member may use an approved four-function, scientific or graphing calculator (refer to the Coach Guide for acceptable calculators); any reference books, periodic charts, special equations, lab notes, class notes, or other written materials. The exam will be written. No cell phones or laptops may be used during the exam.


Competition Description: Teams are given a problem scenario which they must research and create a slide presentation with voice-over narration to explain their solution. Teams have a set time limit on the first day of competition to develop, create, and electronically submit a presentation detailing their research. Presentation instructions are distributed at the TEAMS Orientation meeting.

Competition Materials: Each team must have one laptop or tablet with Wi-Fi capability. The device must also be able to access Google Slides or PowerPoint and be able to record a video. A cell phone may also be used for video recording.

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